Claudio Gnoli

Works by year

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2024 · A I O P
Classification in the wider philosophical perspective of informational ontology = Ranganathan lectures. 2023: online, Mysore: 2024.01.04
» [book] — Sarada Ranganathan endowment for library science: in prep'



2024 · I O P A KB
An informational approach to emergence = Foundations of science. 29: 2024. 2. P 543-551 — online 2022.11.24-
  • review = (Surtil)


    2024 · P O KQ KB
    A world of informed systems = (Information matters. 4: 2024. 5)



    2022 · D I P KL
    Taiga penguins: expressing existence and fictionality in a phenomenon-based classification / Claudio Gnoli, Patrícia de Almeida, Luís Miguel Oliveira Machado, Riccardo Ridi = Knowledge organization across disciplines, domains, services and technologies: proceedings of the Seventeenth International ISKO Conference, 6-8 July 2022 Aalborg, Denmark. P 101-110 / Marianne Lykke, Tanja Svarre, David Haynes, Mette Skov, Martin Thellefsen, Daniel Martínez-Ávila: ed' — Ergon: Baden-Baden: 2022 [winner of conference Best Paper Award]



    2021 · I P KL KA KD
    Levels of reality as a fertile ontological model: invited speech: 2021.05.28 = (Seminarios de organização do conhecimento. 2021: História e memória da organização do conhecimento no Brasil / Instituto brasileiro de informação en ciência e tecnologia, Universidade federal do Rio de Janeiro)
    » (History and memory of the knowledge organization / Gustavo Saldanha, Tatiana de Almeida: ed')



    2021 · O P I A KI KB
    Ontologia informazionale: una visione del mondo come livelli di sistemi informati: appunti in evoluzione = (PhilPapers)


    2020 · P A KL KA
    What is knowledge? = Qu'est-ce que la connaissance? : séminaire axe I2SP LERASS [online]



    2019 · L I P A KS KL KB
    Levels of information and LIS as a science of mentefacts = (COLIS. 2019: Ljubljana 2019.06.16-19)
    » (Information research. 24. 4)
    ]] Il terzo mondo di Popper e i mentefatti / Riccardo Ridi = Biblioteche oggi trends. 7: 2022. 2. P 42-60


    2018 · I A P KB
    Genealogical classification = (ISKO encyclopedia of knowledge organization / Birger Hjørland, Claudio Gnoli: ed') — ISKO
    » Knowledge organization. 50: 2023. 7. P 496-506


    2018 · L I P A KS KB
    Mentefacts as a missing level in theory of information science = Journal of documentation. 74 2018. 6. P 1226-1242
  • Ontological conflict in library and information science: a comparison of Gnoli's ontological pluralism and Hjørland's ontological monism [in Japanese] / Mikiko Yokoyama = Library and information science. 84: 2020. P 1-21


    2018 · P T
    La ricerca della felicità / Ferdinando Vogliotti; Claudia T Bruni, Claudio T Gnoli: cura — [depositato all'Archivio diaristico nazionale: Pieve Santo Stefano]



    2015 · A P KL KI KB
    Livelli di irrealtà: oggettività & soggettività nell'organizzazione della conoscenza / Riccardo Ridi; Claudio Gnoli: collaborazione = (7' Incontro ISKO Italia: Bologna 2015.04.20) = Bibliotime. 18 2015. 2. [5]



    2015 · P A I KL KB KC
    The value added of organized information: from Floridi to Bennett = (Knowledge organization: making a difference: ISKO UK biennial conference: London 2015.07.13-14)


    2014 · A I O P KB
    Unified Theory of Information, hypertextuality and levels of reality / Claudio Gnoli, Riccardo Ridi = Journal of documentation. 70 2014. 3. P 443-460
    » It and bit: nessi fra alcune teorie dell'informazione, della conoscenza, del documento e della realtà = Bibliotime. NS. _


    2013 · F P
    Proposal for the new class 1 Philosophy = UDC philosophy revision report. 3 / Claudio Gnoli et al. = Extensions and corrections to the UDC. 34-35 2012-2013 [published in 2016]. P 45-67


    2013 · I O P KI KB
    Sistemi informazionali: un'ipotesi di ricerca — ISKO Italia 2013-


    2011 · F P KB
    UDC philosophy revision report. 2 # 2 — UDC Consortium 2009.08.07
    » # edited version = (Extensions and corrections to the UDC. 33 2011)


    2009 · F P KB
    UDC philosophy revision report. 1 # 1 — UDC Consortium 2009.08.07
  • edited version = Extensions and corrections to the UDC. 31 2009. 25-31 | (DLIST) 2009-

    2001 · P I KB
    Everything is natural: a synthetic exposition of a naturalistic philosophy — Yahoo-Geocities: 2001-2009 » Università di Pavia. Dipartimento di matematica 2012-


    1998 · P KI
    L'induzione è davvero morta?: breve saggio epistemologico — Geocities: 1998-2009


    1995 · P L
    Liber 1995


    1994 · P KM KI KB
    Il mondo siamo noi: una prospettiva naturalista : 1994-2000


    1990 · P KI
    Alla ricerca di valori intelligenti / "Tommy" 1990 = (Aarbad. 1.4: Etica)


    1989 · P KI
    Un castello di carte 1989-1994


    1988 · P KI
    Trattatello sulla pazzia / "Tommy" 1988 = (Aarbad. 1) — Geocities: 2001-2009


    1987 · P KI
    Scritto rinvenuto in una borsa 1987


    Claudio Gnoli is main author where not otherwise written. Included are unprinted public speeches, in lighter colour. Works are classified by the following faceted scheme:

    A  knowledge organization (KO), subject indexing, classification
    D  KO dimensions, phenomena vs. disciplines, interdisciplinarity
    E  free KO systems, simple synthesis of concepts
    F  classical faceted KO systems
    G  freely faceted KO systems
    I  integrative levels, ontological-phylogenetical approach to KO
    L  libraries and their catalogues
    N  Internet search, information architecture
    O  information, semiotics, artificial languages
    P  philosophy
    Q  the Quattro Province area
    S  wildlife
    T  other topics

    Claudio Gnoli. Works by subject — <> : 2020.12 - 2024.05 -
    « Claudio Gnoli. Works by subject — Università di Pavia. Dipartimento di Matematica <> : 2012.05 - 2021
    « Lavori biblioteconomici = LIS works — Università di Pavia. Dipartimento di Matematica <> : 2003.07 - 2013.11
    « Lavori biblioteconomici = LIS works — Yahoo!-Geocities <> : 2001.02 - 2009.10